
cisco for a couple of days before going home and get an hotel room At night I would go to Finocchio's and other places where I thought TVs might go. But I never met any even though I knew there must be some there looking for someone else just as I was. For some reason I never had the nerve to talk to the beautiful

Female Impersonators

After spending a few days there I'd go up home and spend the rest of my furlough Of course on weekends I would usually

go back to San Francisco and get another hotel room Whale on furlough I would always wear panties andnylons every day and sleep every night in a nightie from the day I left the base till I got back

When my time came for discharge I almost reenlisted I had gotten to like the Service very much. I really enjoyed my Job But I wanted to be able to wear dresses more I didn't go back home to the farm, but went instead to Seattle I got a little apartment and went on a shopping spree I bought every thing a girl needs The first week or so I hardly ever went out of the apartment The time went by very fast I d spend all day in front of a full length mirror, dressing and undress ing I d put on a dress and pose for myself for awhile then change into another I thought to myself, "This is really liv ing" Being over 6 feet tall I didn't have the nerve to go out- side while in dresses, but I always wore panties under my male clothes

After about a week and a half I started to look for a job I got one like I had before going into the service. I had liked truck driving then, but not now, so that only lasted 6 monthe I got two other jobs that didn't last long because I couldn't get used to them I had learned a trade in the Service and that was what I still wanted to do But I didn't want to go back to the Service and give up my dresses again Finally I got a job with a big airline doing the same kind of work I'd done in the Service I was doing well and could have gone a long way with that job but somehow I missed the Service

When not at work I was constantly looking for ways to find a girl who would understand me I still today haven't found one